500 / 500

Brief introduction into our translator

About our Arabic to Pashto translation tool

Years ago, it was quite difficult and time consuming to translate text from one language to another. Any translation performed would involved using simple vocabularies with word-for-word translation. This was very inefficient and inaccurate, as any translated text would lose the actual meaning of the sentence.

For those whose mother tongue is not Pashto, translating Arabic to Pashto can be difficult. There are many agencies and websites that provide services for translation, localisation or interpreting. But these services are expensive and could range from a few dollars to hundreds of dollars. You can expect to pay from $0.08 to $0.40 per word! 

While it is a good idea to pay professionals for translating highly specialized subjects and official documents - there is no need to pay for translating commonly spoken words, sentences, and phrases. For this, you can use our online Arabic to Pashto translation software

Our translation software is FREE. It makes use of the powerful Google translation API which uses Google’s pre-trained neural machine translation to instantly translate words and phrases between Arabic to Pashto. You can translate up to a maximum of 500 characters per request and can make an unlimited request. 

Although our Pashto translation is not 100% accurate - with a few modifications it can be pretty accurate. It is particularly helpful in framing the sentence and to get a general idea on what the sentence is conveying the message. It is therefore used by thousands of people around the globe. 

So go ahead and use our translation tool. Copy the translated text and share them on Facebook, Twitter or email it to your loved ones. 

Meanwhile, if you have any suggestions or feedback please drop in your message on our Facebook page. 

Features you should know

  • Instantly translate Arabic sentences and phrases into Pashto.
  • Multi language support: You can translate between different language by selecting language from our drop down menu.
  • Multi platform support: Our translation software is supported on desktop, tablet and High-end mobile devices.
  • High accuracy rate: Our translation software is constantly updated to improve translation and improve translation accuracy rate.
  • Next-generation Neural translation technology is supported for Pashto Translation.

Commonly Spoken Phrases

Greetings and Pleasantries

in Arabicin Pashto
كيف حالك؟
kayf halika?
تاسو څنګه یئ؟
انا بخير وماذا عنك؟
ana bikhayr wamadha eanka?
زه ښه یم، تاسو څنګه یاست؟
صباح الخير. / مساء الخير. / مساء الخير.
sabah alkhayri. / masa' alkhayri. / masa' alkhayri.
سهار مو پخیر. / بعد له غرمه مو پخیر. / ماښام مو پخیر.
ما اسمك؟
ma asmuk?
ستاسو نوم څه دی؟
اسمي سام.
aismi sam.
زما نوم سام دی.
أنا سعيد بمقابلتك.
'ana saeid bimuqabalatika.
زه له تاسو سره په لیدو خوښ یم.
مرحباً بك.
mrhbaan bika.
تاسو ښه راغلاست.
شكراً جزيلاً.
shkraan jzylaan.
ډیره مننه له تاسو سره.
لو سمحت. / شكرًا لك.
law samahta. / shkran lika.
مهرباني. / له تاسو مننه.
اعذرني. / آسف.
aedhirini. / asfa.
بخښنه غواړم. / اوبخښه.

Starting Conversation Between People

in Arabicin Pashto
اليوم هو يوم جميل، أليس كذلك؟
alyawm hu yawm jamili, 'alays kadhalika?
نن یوه ښه ورځ ده، سمه ده؟
من أين أنت؟
min 'ayn 'anti?
تاسو د کوم ځای یاست؟
انا من نيبال.
ana min nybal.
زه د نیپال څخه یم
كم عمرك؟
kam eumarka?
ته څو کلن یې؟
عمري 33 سنة.
eumri 33 sanatun.
زه ۳۳ کلن یم.
ماهي مهنتك؟
mahi mihnatuki?
ستا بوختيا څه ده؟
أنا كهربائي.
'ana kahrabayiy.
زه یو بریښنایی یم.
ما هو بريدك الإلكتروني ورقم هاتفك؟
ma hu bariduk al'iilikturuniu waraqm hatifik?
ستاسو د بریښنالیک او تلیفون شمیره څه ده؟
هنا هو بريدي الإلكتروني ورقم الهاتف؟
huna hu baridi al'iilikturuniu waraqm alhatifi?
دلته زما بریښنالیک او د تلیفون شمیره ده؟
لقد كان من الرائع مقابلتك.
laqad kan min alraayie muqabalatuka.
ستاسو سره ملاقات ډیر ښه وو.

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions on Pashto translation and typing

How do I use a Pashto translator?

In the text box on the left, enter words or phrases that you want to translate in a complete sentence. After a few seconds, the text will be translated into the language selected on the right drop-down menu. You can also click on the “translate” button for immediate translation.

You can also translate in a different language by choosing the language option from the drop-down menu.

How does text translation work?

Whenever you translate phrases, sentences or even large texts - we send API requests to Google. This request consists of the text you have requested to translate along with the source and target language you have chosen from the drop-down menu. In return, Google sends a response back with the translated text.

Behind the scenes, Google algorithms use a neural machine translation - a “deep learning” practice that compares whole sentences at a time from a broader range of linguistic sources. This has brought many advantages over conventional phrase-based translation systems and as a result, it is able to translate with a greater accuracy giving the full context rather than just sentence clauses in isolation.

Other questions

Is this translator FREE?

Yes, our Arabic to Pashto translator is FREE. You can use it for both personal and commercial use. You can make an unlimited translation. However, in each translation request, you can convert up to 500 characters. We have put this limit to ensure that robots and automated software are not abusing our software.

Can I download this translator?

At a moment you can only use our Pashto translation software online. However, you can use a third party site to download Pashto translators.

For instance, you can download and install Google Translate Chrome Extension tool on your Google Chrome browser. Once installed you can highlight and right click a section of text to translate it to the language of your choice by clicking on the "Translate" icon. With this you can also translate the entire web page.

Alternatively, there is also a Google Translate app which you can download to translate text, handwriting, photos and speech in over 100 languages. This app is available on Android and iPhone & iPad devices.